Candid Interview with the guys.
: If you were a carton character , who would you be?
SamuelSabu : Captain Planet
Fino : Dink, the little dinosaur.
Giddy : What's the craziest thing a fan has
ever done to get your attention?
SamuelSabu : Saying : "I am going to kill myself if you won't go out
with me" - and she did try to, too.
Giddy : Who are some of your favorite current
SamuelSabu : Aerosmith _ Am I cheating?
Fino : I'll change the question to, "who is your favorite current wrestler?"
- Billy Kidman, Raven, Scott Hall and Sting.
Giddy : What cheese thing do you secretly love?
SamuelSabu : Old Disney Movies.
Fino : Porcelain statues of teddys, kids, animals.
Giddy : If you could meet any musicians ever,
who would it be?
SamuelSabu : Bret Michaels.
Fino : Bret Michaels.
Giddy : What album puts you in the best mood?
SamuelSabu : Jetboy's Feel the Shake.
Fino : The Offspring's Smash.
Both : John Denver's Christmas like a lullaby.
Giddy : If you were president, what's the first
thing you'd do?
SamuelSabu : Renovate the school system.
Fino : Declare the whole country a national park and outlaw hunting.
Giddy : What are you favorite songs to cover?
SamuelSabu : "Not Anymore" by Dead Boys, and "Millions Miles
Away" by Stiv Bators.
Giddy : Whats' the best and worst thing about
Both : Best - seeing the world
Worst - Having a two-bedroom for four people without a window and a drummer
with a fart cramp.
Giddy : What is the most common thing you argue
about in the band?
Both : We don't argue within the band, only ever with management - which is
why we don't have any right now.
Giddy : When did you realize that being in a
band was what you wanted to do?
SamuelSabu : When I met Fino when I was 12 and he convinced me that that was
what I wanted to do.
Fino : When I was about 8 years old I first had the idea and I even wrote
some songs.
Giddy : If you could play anywhere in the world
that you haven't yet where would it be?
Both : Open air in the Sahara.
Giddy : What goes through your mind when you
are on stage?
SamuelSabu : I hope those stupid looking people over there don't enjoy the
Fino : Every single song triggers a different emotional reaction in my headdepending
on where and how it was written.
Giddy : What's your favorite song of your own?
SamuelSabu : "Gathering on Duck Island" and " Towers Over Mesopotamia."
Fino : "Shelter Under My Wings."
Giddy : Where is your favorite city to perform
in besides your hometown?
Both : Actually, we don't even like to perform in L.A. - the bands just get
too screwed over - with pay to play
- and the audiences are pretty jaded.
Giddy : What makes you giddy?
SamuelSabu : When Fino starts dancing around, making up silly songs.
Fino : Playing with Blue, my little toy duck - and watching Sesame Street.
Giddy : Anything else?
We just want to say
respect all beings and there will be peace on earth!